Achilles Tendonitis
Irritation and inflammation of the tendon that attaches to the back of the heel bone. This can be caused by improper warm up or over training.
Treatment for achilles tendonitis
This can be treated with ice, rest or anti-inflammatory medications. Chronic pain or any swelling should be professionally examined.
Misaligned big toe joints which can become swollen, causing the first joint of the big toe to slant outward, and the second joint to angle towards the other toes. Bunions tend to be hereditary; they can be aggravate by shoes that are too narrow in the forefoot area.
Treatment for bunions
Surgery by a podiatric physician is often used to correct the problem.
Enlarged benign growths of nerves, common between the third and fourth toes. These are caused by tissue rubbing against the nerves. Pressure from ill fitting shoes or abnormal bones can also create this condition as well.
Treatment for neuromas
Treatments can include orthotics, although sometimes removal of the growth is necessary.
Heel Spurs
Growths of bone on the underside of the heel bone. Heel spurs occur when the plantar tendon pulls at its attachment to the heel bone. This area of the heel can calcify to form a spur, which can lead to heel pain.
Treatment for heel spurs
With proper warm-ups and the use of trainers, strain to the ligament can be reduced leading to reduction of the heel spur and reduction in heel pain.
A condition that usually stems from muscle/tendon imbalance, in which the toe is bent in a claw like position. It occurs most often with the second toe, when a bunion slants the big toe toward and under it, although the other three toes can be affected.
Treatment for hammertoe
Selecting shoes and socks that do not cramp the toes will alleviate the problem. A custom orthotic device placed in the shoe may help control the muscle/tendon imbalance.
Sometimes know as “the ball bearing of the foot” the sesamoids are two small bones. They can inflame or rupture under the stress of exercise.
Treatment for sesamoiditis
Sesamoiditis can be relieved with proper shoe selection and orthotics. A metatarsal pad can be placed away from the joint to redistribute the pressure of weight bearing to other parts of the forefoot.
Plantar Fasciitis (heel pain)
Plantar fasciitis (more commonly called Heel pain) is commonly traced to an inflammation of the base of the foot. People with vary flat feet or very high arches are also more prone to plantar fasciitis. If you don’t treat plantar fasciitis, it may become a chronic condition. Because plantar fasciitis changes the way you walk, you may develop symptoms of foot, knee, hip and back problems.
Treatment for plantar fasciitis
A podiatric physician can evaluate arch pain, and may prescribe customised orthoses to help alleviate the pain. Research has shown that arch supports are the best treatment for heel pain.

Orthotics by the Professionals
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